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long chain fatty acid中文是什么意思

用"long chain fatty acid"造句"long chain fatty acid"怎么读"long chain fatty acid" in a sentence


  • 长链脂肪酸


  • Very long chain fatty acids , vlcfa
  • Bone marrow transplantation corrected the excess content of very long chain fatty acid in plasma but did not arrest the deterioration of the neurological status during 3 . 5 - year post - transplant follow - up period
  • Various nutrients contained in the high protein nutrient solution were well balanced , with reasonable proportion of medium chained fatty acids and long chained fatty acids , and it could be taken orally or administered by tube feeding , meeting the various nutrient requirements of patients
  • Waxes form a continuous lipid membrance covering the epidermal cells of all aerial plant organs . it mainly comprised of lony - chain aliphatic compounds derived from very long chain fatty acids that are enlongedsfrom c16 - or c18 - long fatty acids in er by many fatty acid elongation ( fae ) complexs
用"long chain fatty acid"造句  
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